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Last Will & Testament
Succession attorney Alexandria Louisiana
Estate planning is one of the most important things you can do no matter your age, income or location. Many people think you have to be super wealthy to need estate planning, particularly a Last Will and Testament, but that’s simply not true. It doesn’t matter how much money you make or what type of...
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Louisiana succession attorneys
Question: My husband and I purchased a home together and lived in it for 15 years. He died without a will. I know the home is community property, but his children (my stepchildren) are now saying they own the home and I only have usufruct of his portion. Can you explain this?! Unfortunately, this is...
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Louisiana succession attorneys
Question: My husband passed away and now his adult children are asking about things he owned before we married. He died without a will. Do I get to keep his property, or do his adult children get them? They had their own separate lives, but now are trying to load up his possessions and leave...
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Where do I file Louisiana succession
This is a question that we receive often. It’s fairly easy for people to acquire property in different parishes, especially when they’ve been married and divorced a time or two. An ever changing job market sends people across parish and state lines and back again and this can create a headache when the time comes...
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Succession lawyer Louisiana
If you have found this article, chances are you live outside of Louisiana and need help with a Louisiana based Succession. Maybe you have a parent or sibling that died in Louisiana or owned real estate here and you need help wrapping up their final estate. Problem is you live a few states away and...
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Louisiana succession attorney
Locating life insurance policies is a common concern among many of our Louisiana succession clients. When a person dies, the family is left with the task of locating life insurance policies and bank accounts. It can be a white knuckle experience as those left behind search for money to help them get back on their...
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