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Where do I file Louisiana succession

How to Probate an Out of State Will in Louisiana

You may be wondering if an out-of-state will is valid in Louisiana. This is a common question we encounter from clients that lived in other states and moved to Louisiana. If an individual died while domiciled in another state and owned property such as real estate in Louisiana, then ancillary probate must be conducted. We […]

Does my spouse get the house if I die?

Does my spouse get the house if I die without a will in Louisiana?

If you’ve discovered this article through Google search, chances are you’re deciding whether or not you need to execute a will to protect your spouse in the event you pass before him/her. Louisiana succession law can be complicated. I’ll do my best to answer your questions in this article, but it’s always recommended to contact […]

Louisiana succession attorneys

What Happens to My Spouse’s Separate Property if He Died Without a Will in Louisiana?

Question: My husband passed away and now his adult children are asking about things he owned before we married. He died without a will. Do I get to keep his property, or do his adult children get them? They had their own separate lives, but now are trying to load up his possessions and leave […]

Louisiana succession lawyer

Should I Wait to Receive a Death Certificate Before Consulting with a Succession Attorney?

We get calls and emails regarding this question fairly regularly, so I figured I would speak about it today. You don’t have to wait for the death certificates to arrive before scheduling a consultation with the Andries Law Firm, LLC, to discuss filing a Louisiana succession (probate). Death certificates take weeks and sometimes months to […]